
find -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec ls -di {} \;|awk ' /reg_exp/ { print "DIR " $2 " = " $1 }'

grep -Eo "^[^:]*" < /etc/passwd (print all users on your linux machine)

grep -Ev "^(#|REM|'|\/\/|\/\*)" < $1 (erase all one-line comments)

grep -E "^([^#])" < $1 (all lines except one-line comments and empty lines)

echo "606-234-854"|grep -E "^[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}\b" (accepts only 6-digit number)

echo "` <$0`" OR echo "`cat $0`" (Echoes the script itself to stdout)

if ! [[ $USER = "root" ]]; then echo "you are not super-user jockey, sry"; fi

var=`-name`;a="*sh";find " $var" $a 2>/dev/null (option substitution --> really interesting!!)

echo "$var"|sed -r "s/(^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$)//g" (sed -r means extended support for reg expressions)

continue (skip to the next lap of loop)

echo "hello_world">file.$RANDOM (random file creating process)

g="0000017";echo ${g:$[ ${#g}-3 ]} (returns 3 last chars offset at the end)

sed '1d;$d' file.txt	(1 means first line, d means delete, ; separator, $ means last line)

while ... do ... done <<< "$OUTPUT"

while ... do ... done < <(echo "$OUTPUT")

Linux commands

my quick ref


uname -a                                      # OS info
cat /etc/*release                             # OS info
lsb_release -a                                # OS info
dmesg                                         # /var/log/messages
chkconfig                                     # check daemons
service --status-all                          # list services
uptime                                        # machine uptime
ldd /bin/bash                                 # library depend
lsmod                                         # loaded modules
cat /proc/cpuinfo                             # cpu info
free -m                                       # memory info
pkill                                         # regex kill by name
pgrep                                         # regex grep PID by name
ps aux                                        # cur processes
pstree -p                                     # process tree with PIDs

file system

ls -tr                                        # list by time
ls *.txt|wc -l|xargs echo "txt "              # execute args
find ./ -type d -exec chmod 775 {}\;          # change dir permissions
rm -Rf ./.??*                                 # remove * and hidden ones
chattr +i file                                # file immutable
df -h                                         # disk usage
du -h                                         # file usage
stat                                          # file system info
lsof                                          # list open files
fuser -m /mnt/data                            # processes using the mount point


ip a sh                                       # list Ifaces
ifconfig eth0 inet up          # bring eth0 up
iptables -t nat -L                            # NAT table
curl ifconfig.me                              # show the WAN IP
route add default gw               # gateway
mtr                             # network diag
bing                     # bandwidth tester
nmap -v -A google.com                         # network explore
nmap -v -sn                       # subnet scan
iwlist wlan0 scanning                         # APs scan
tcpdump -i wlan0                              # packets on a given interface
tcpdump port 80                               # sniff port 80
iftop -i wlan0                                # what is using all the bandwith
lsof -nPi tcp:80                              # processes using TCP port 80
netstat -anp --inet                           # which port which process
arp                                           # MAC <-> IP address mapping
dig                                           # DNS lookup

run at

at -f backup.sh -v 10:00                      # run once
atq                                           # list at queue
atrm                                          # remove at
echo '0,20,40 * * * * yes'|crontab            # run every 20 minutes


$0                                            # shell or script name
"$PWD"                                        # cur dir
$SECONDS                                      # sec from uptime
$MACHTYPE                                     # architecture
$PIPESTATUS                                   # $? return code
$PPID                                         # parent PID
$HISTCMD                                      # size of $HISTFILE
(IFS=":x:";echo $( </etc/passwd))             # field separator


tput sgr 0 1                                  # underline console
tput bold                                     # bold console
tput sgr0                                     # reset to defaults
echo $( </etc/passwd)                         # content as a single line
ls /s{bin,elinux}                             # bash expansion
$(date +%A)                                   # day in a week
man hier                                      # file system hierarchy
cat logs/access_log|uniq                      # unique lines
kill -9 `ps -dN|grep tty2|cut -d\  -f1`       # force log off on tty2
rbash                                         # restricted shell
chroot                                        # change root dir
echo stressed|rev                             # reverse
exiftool song.mp3                             # show meta data
shopt                                         # shell options
watch -n1 "date '+%D%n%T'|figlet -k"          # fancy timer
setterm -blength 0                            # turn off the bell
stty -echo                                    # disable console output
stty echo                                     # enable console output